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Falconbrooke • SKU: 1015285

Safe to Go Deluxe Roadside Emergency Kit

Safe to Go Deluxe Roadside Emergency Kit

Member: Member Price $69.99
Non-member: Non Member Price $79.99

30 in stock

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Everything you need for a road trip or daily commute in one portable kit from Falconbrooke. Carry all the essentials to stay safe during emergencies, including a blanket, poncho, 41-piece First Aid kit, basic tools, a flashlight, and much more. Never leave home without this Safe To Go Deluxe Roadside Emergency Kit!

Pack includes:

•    Deluxe widemouth® bag
•    Germecin® anti-microbial mist
•    Emergency light stick x 2
•    Rain poncho
•    Tire pressure gauge
•    Emergency fabric blanket (48” x 60”)
•    Aluminium 9 LED flashlight
•    Batteries - heavy duty x 3
•    Electrical tape
•    Instant body/hand warmers x 2
•    Call Police banner
•    2 In 1 screwdriver
•    6” slip joint pliers
•    Cotton knit gloves x 2
•    Foam kneeling pad
•    Utility knife
•    Emergency drinking water
•    Emergency candles with matches
•    Emergency whistle with lanyard
•    41 piece First Aid in resealable bag:
     o    5 x plastic bandages – 1 cm x 3.8 cm
     o    18 x plastic bandages - 1.9 cm x 7.6 cm
     o    2 x gauze pad 5.1 cm x 5.1 cm
     o    Iodine ointment (0.9 g)
     o    4 x AfterBite prep pads
     o    10 x alcohol cleaning pads