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Go Travel • SKU: 1017923

Go Travel World-EU Adapter Duo + USB

Go Travel World-EU Adapter Duo + USB

Member: Member Price $26.99
Non-member: Non Member Price $29.99

87 in stock

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Short on sockets or simply don’t have space for multiple chargers and adaptors? This universal, grounded adaptor makes an essential companion for powering multiple devices from a single socket for travellers from 100s of destinations. The 2 USB ports have a 2.4A auto-regulating power output when dual charging. Perfect for quickly and efficiently charging two power-hungry USB devices such as tablets, simultaneously. The adaptor fully complies with the latest safety standards, protecting you and your devices. Not suitable for use with Schuko devices.

• Earthed / Grounded duo adaptor with twin 2.4A USB ports for worldwide travellers to Europe
• Charges up to four devices simultaneously in over 100 countries across the globe
• Automatically detects the device on charge and adjusts power for the quickest charge time
• Fully certified to the latest safety standards

Country Compatibility:
Adaptor type (Input): Type A, Type B, Type C, Type G, Type I, Type J, Type L, Type N
Adaptor type (Output): Type E, Type F